The National Health Insurance Authority is mandated by the NHIA Act 2021, to implement a national health insurance scheme, establish a national health insurance Fund to pay for the cost of health care services to members of the Scheme, and to provide for the establishment of private health insurance schemes.
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The national health insurance authority is mandated by the NHIS ACT 2021 to license and regulate all private health insurance schemes in the Gambia. The following types of private health insurance schemes may be established and operated in the country.
Private Commercial Health Insurance Scheme
Private commercial insurance schemes are operated by private companies, it is registered as a limited liability company under the Companies Act of The Gambia and licensed by the authority for it to operate.
Private Mutual Health Insurance Scheme
Private mutual health insurance scheme can be operated by private and communities but not by Government, it is registered as a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act of The Gambia; and it is licensed by the Commissioner of Insurance appointed under section 3 of the Insurance Act [cap. 97:01] and licensed by the Authority for it to operate.